11th ENCATC Meeting on Evaluation

Maastricht, Netherlands

Nadine Oberste-Hetbleck

Junior Professor, University of Cologne, Germany

Nadine Oberste-Hetbleck studied Art History, Media Studies and Pedagogy at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU). Between 2006 and 2008, she was the recipient of a PhD scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation for a project entitled “Kunst & Marketing. Selbstvermarktung der Düsseldorfer Malerschule und das Düsseldorfer Vermarktungssystem 1826-1860” [Art and Marketing. The Self-Marketing of the Düsseldorf School of Painting and the Düsseldorf Marketing System from 1826-1860] that was completed in 2009. The project received three awards including the 2010 DRUPA prize. She was a staff member at the Department of Art History from 2009 till 2013. From 2013 till 2014, she was responsible for coordinating and teaching courses of the Master’s in Art History with a focus on Communication of Art in Museums and the Art Trade at the Chair of Marketing (Faculty of Business Administration and Economics of the HHU). In June 2014, she became Junior Professor for Art History and Art Market Studies at the University of Cologne. Since 2015, together with Prof. Dr. Günter Herzog, she has headed the Zentralarchiv für deutsche und internationale Kunstmarktforschung e.V. (ZADIK) as an affiliated institute and thus research archive at the University of Cologne. She has published on the history of art trading, marketing the arts, and networks in the art world, in each case with a focus on developments since the 19th century. She also blogs at art market studies.

Photo Credit: Helmar Mildner