2019 ENCATC-TACPS Academy on Cultural Relations and Diplomacy

Taipei, Taiwan Province of China, China

Joyce Ke

Executive Director, Taipei Art Economy Research Centre, Taiwan Province of China


Board member, Taiwan Association of Cultural Policy Studies (since 2018)

Member, International Society of Appraisers (since 2017)


  • Taipei Art Economy Research Centre 
  • Executive Director, 2016 – present
  • Art appraisal

A full range of professional inspection, appraisal and advisory services, tailored to meet the needs of private and corporate collectors, insurance and financial professionals, law firms, government agencies, and non-profit institutions in the Taiwan Province of China and abroad.

  • Market analysis

Commissioned by the Art Taipei International Art Fair and several regional art fairs, to access current markets, resources and sales comparison opportunities.

  • Scientific authentication

Focusing on establishing a scientific testing and identification system and a certification archival system.

  • Taiwan Art Gallery Archive 

To enrich the resources of domestic art history research, bridge industrial perspectives in historical studies, and re-explore the role of Taiwanese galleries in the art history.

Head of International Engagement

Head of Industrial Environment & Trends Group

Task: Conducting trend research and data analysis commissioned by the government.

Head of the TAGA Institute of Gallerists

Task: Teaching module on gallerists training


Comparative Analysis of Visual Art Industries in Taiwan (2011)

Mapping Global Art Fairs (2012)

Tax Policy in Taiwan (2013)

The Evaluation of the Impact of Art Economy (2013)

Asia-Pacific Art Market Report: Consumer Behaviour Analysis 2015/16 (2016)

Asia-Pacific Art Market Report: E-commerce Consumer Behaviour Survey 2015/16 (2016)

Asian Main Line: A focus on the Major Economic Axis of Chinese Art (2016)

Asia-Pacific Art Market Report 2015/16 (2016)

Asia-Pacific Art Market Report 2016/17 (2017)


Towards An Urban Art Economy: How Flagship Art-Based Initiatives Start the Engine of City Growth After the De-industrialization Transformation, the 21st ENCATC Annual Conference, November 2013, Antwerp, Belgium.