9th ENCATC Policy Debate

Antwerp, Belgium

Date: 13  November 2018

City: Antwerp, Belgium


University of Antwerp, City Campus

Hof Van Liere

Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium

(Google Maps

Room: F. de Tassiszaal

Target: This policy debate is aimed at academics, researchers, cultural professionals, cultural entrepreneurs, policy makers, international, European and national civil servants, artists and students. 

Registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/9th-encatc-policy-debate-tickets-50433523025

Accommodation suggestions: 

Hotel Prinse (****), Keizerstraat 63, 2000 Antwerpen: http://www.hotelprinse.be/ - hotel-prinse@skynet.be (5 minutes walk from the university)

 Quality Hotel Antwerpen Centrum opera (****), Molenbergstraat 9-11, 2000 Antwerpen reception@qualityhotel-antwerp.be (5 minutes walk from the university, but less charming than Hotel Prinse)

 Hotel Elzenveld (***), Lange Gasthuisstraat 45, 2000 Antwerpen www.elzenveld.befo@elzenveld.be  (15-20 minutes walk from the university, but nice neighbourhood and historical hotel)