COST ACTION: Connecting research initiatives across Europe and beyond to enable researchers and innovators to grow their ideas

Online Webinar, Belgium

Estelle Emeriau

Science Officer at COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)

Estelle has a master degree in European Law from the University of Toulouse as well as a master degree in Public Law from the University Panthéon-Assas in France.

Leaving in Brussels for more than 20 years, she occupied various functions at European level.

She is currently working as Science Officer at COST, an intergovernmental Association which aims to support Science and Technology cooperation between 38 European Member Countries and 1 Cooperating member; It integrates governance, management and support functions aiming at enabling trans-European networks.

In practice, she is in charge of 2 main tasks: implementing the open calls for proposals twice a year and managing a portfolio of more than 20 COST Actions

Prior to this, Estelle has worked as Senior Science and Peer Review Officer for PRACE AISBL where she performed various tasks such as the preparation, publication and follow up of the calls for proposals. She also implemented the evaluation process.

She also worked as a Project and Policy Officer at the European Commission, where she was in charge of notably, the selection of experts, the evaluation and selection of proposals. She as well contributed to the elaboration of new research programmes on space and security.