ENCATC Members Talk - Cultural Heritage and Digital Transformation



The  video recording and related materials are accessible to the membership in the Members Area. 

On 4 June the ENCATC Members Talk was held from 14:00-15:30 (CEST) on the topic of "Cultural Heritage and Digital Transformation"!

Two crucial challenges await the cultural heritage sector in the coming years. On the one hand, training for improved digital skills will be needed within the sector, and this will only be achieved by opening the doors to new talents, especially young ones, who can give an acceleration to the digital transformation process. On the other, it will be necessary to increase external collaborations with companies, research organisations highly specialised in digital sectors, innovators, digital makers, and other actors, building interdisciplinary working groups and enhancing a teamwork approach. The different agents involved in the cultural heritage sector will need to review our objectives and strategies to start an effective digital transformation process, especially to take advantage of the funding opportunities that will come from the European Union over the next seven years.

This ENCATC Members Talk aimed to delve into the topic of cultural heritage and digital transformation.  Following an introductory speech by an expert on the latest EU policy in this area, the experience of three projects working on the topic were shared. The Talk also included a presentation of EU Heritage training programme. This event, organised in cooperation of the EU Heritage project – which ENCATC is a proud partner of – was designed for ENCATC members and open to observers. 

ENCATC Members Talk - Cultural Heritage and Digital Transformation