
ENCATC Member Stories demonstrate successful transnational collaborations

ENCATC Member Stories demonstrate successful transnational collaborations

In a special issue of ENCATC News, we look at inspiring stories of our members working together. From education and training, research, European projects, publications and more, see the impact members are making in cultural management and policy.

As a network of more than 100 member institutions and professionals in 40 countries active in education, training, and research within the broad field of cultural management and policy, they have an impact on the education of thousands of cultural managers, students, researchers, and policy makers worldwide. 

As individual institutions and organisations their lasting impact is of enormous value. However, that value is exponentially increased when members work together. By pooling knowledge and expertise, sharing resources, co-creating new curricula, carrying out research… we can accomplish far beyond what we think is possible and expand our impact to reach new audiences. 

In this special issue of ENCATC News N°109 we want to showcase examples our members working together. To get a glimpse of the kind of inspiring and successful collaborations achieved, 17 member stories are told,  including a total of 35 members from 20 countries in Europe and beyond.

To support members realise the greatest potential for cooperation (a create new Member Stories to share in the future), the ENCATC Annual Members’ Forum on 27 September will boost networking and open a space to share ideas,  projects, and to find partners. The Forum is part of the 25th ENCATC Congress “Click, Connect and Collaborate! New directions in sustaining cultural networks” (27-30 September) in Brussels. 


Congress registration will close on 10 September.

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