Martina Fraioli

ENCATC Trainee: April - July 2019

Nationality: Italian

Communication and Activities Trainee

The internship experience at ENCATC has been undoubtedly incredibly formative and positive overall. First of all, I had the opportunity to strengthen my hard and technical skills and to develop new ones, such as project management and coordination and events logistics management (Capacity Building Days, International Study Tour and Congress), budget  monitoring, administrative skills, and a deeper knowledge of communications tools and strategies (creation of comm materials, support to all the communications tasks). At the same time, I could also challenge my attitude and my character and improve important soft skills, such as teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking, flexibility and multitasking.

If I consider all the skills developed, both the hard and the soft ones, I really feel that I am able to propose myself in the world of work as a professional -at an initial level certainly- but with a good wealth of experience, knowledge and skills to offer.

I would recommend this experience especially to Bachelor's and Master's students at their first or second work experience, because it would allow them not only to work in an international and institutional environment, but also to carry out many interesting tasks in different fields, communication, project management and administration and to start new interesting professional relationships. For someone who wants to pursue an international career, an internship at ENCATC is an excellent starting point.

ENCATC Trainee: April - July 2019